Animation is a beautiful endeavour, where diverse artistry, craft, passion and unique visions combine, to create a film format that - to our minds -…
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We present ten more exciting new films from around the world in our second World Animation programme, packed with absorbing dreamscapes, poetic…
Continue readingOur Yorkshire Short Film Competition is always an absolute treat for the eyes and this year is no exception, as we travel around arguably the best…
Continue readingIn 2016, Aubrey Gordon wrote a candid letter about living as a fat person. Posted online under the pseudonym Your Fat Friend, it resonated around the…
Continue readingIn 2016, Aubrey Gordon wrote a candid letter about living as a fat person. Posted online under the pseudonym Your Fat Friend, it resonated around the…
Continue readingThe new film from Jonathan Glazer, director of Sexy Beast and Under the Skin, The Zone of Interest won the Grand Prix at Cannes Film Festival where it…
Continue readingLeeds Film is supported by the BFI National Lottery Audience Projects Fund which supports ambitious audience-facing independent UK and international film and broader screen activity of national scale. The fund is part of the BFI's ten-year Screen Culture 2033 strategy.
BFI Screen Culture 2033