A joyous and heartfelt coming-of-age road movie, this beautifully crafted debut by Zara Dwinger establishes her as a remarkable filmmaking talent to watch. 11-year-old Lu is living in foster care when her estranged mum Karina turns up and whisks her away on a madcap road trip to Poland. Lu would do anything to stay by her mum’s side, and soon they are swept up in a Bonnie & Clyde-like fantasy. Rosa van Leeuwen and Frieda Barnhard give exceptional lead performances as the mother-daughter partners in crime, sharing on-screen chemistry that evokes LIFF 2022 Closing Film Aftersun.

All screenings of this film will be presented with additional descriptive subtitles of non-dialogue audio. Visit our Accessible Screenings at LIFF 2023 page for more information and other accessible screenings at the festival

The screening on the 11th November will be followed by a Q&A with Director Zara Dwinger.


Part of Dutch Discoveries, supported by Kingdom of the Netherlands.