“Milk is a methodical examination of loss and grief by a director whose unadorned naturalism has something unmistakably Dutch in its directness.” - Mark van de Klashorst, ICS
"Milk is sensitive but never sentimental and made all the more enjoyable by Emo Weemhoff’s stylishly framed images and some convincing performances all round." - Meredith Taylor, Filmuforia
After delivering a stillborn baby, Robin’s (rising Dutch star Frieda Barnhard) breasts continue to produce milk. With no option but to pump, and conflicted about throwing away the last connection to her lost child, she decides to donate her breast milk to other mothers. Discovering this isn’t as simple as she’d hoped, the bottles begin to take over her freezer, her relationship and her life. Premiering at this year's Venice Film Festival, this stunning debut from Stefanie Kolk is an enlightening look at the facets of motherhood and the search for peace after devastating loss.
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Part of Dutch Discoveries, supported by Kingdom of the Netherlands.