Banff Mountain Film Festival
Experience an extraordinary collection of short films from the world's most prestigious mountain film festival. Follow the expeditions of some of today's most incredible adventurers, see amazing footage of adrenaline packed action sports and be inspired by thought-provoking pieces shot from the far flung corners of the globe.
This year there are two evenings that will ignite your passion for adventure, action and travel. For double the adventure come along both nights for two entirely different film programmes. Two night discounts are available. Tickets | Trailer
Thu 8 February, 7.30pm & Fri 9 February, 7.30pm. Leeds Town Hall
Banff Mountain Film Festival isn't the only cinematic celebration of the world's great peaks. Narrated by Willem Dafoe, shot across 22 countries, and with a grand orchestral score, Mountain is quite an experience. Ilkley Cinema hosts select screenings of this feature by Australian filmmaker Jennifer Peedom, which also screened at 31st Leeds International Film Festival.
Tickets | Trailer
Fri 19 January - Wed 24 January. Ilkley Cinema