Due to the current situation with Covid-19, Leeds Young Film and ArtForms will now be launching the Micro Movie Challenge at Easter 2021 in Leeds Young Film Festival. We are still excited to receive any films you may be making and we have launched a weekly Monday Movie Challenge where you can get creative at home, so send in any films that you have made. We'll be posting some filmmaking tips on the website over the coming weeks to provide advice and guidance as to how to improve your filmmaking techniques.
For a super sneak preview, check out this video starring Ben Shires from TV's 'Officially Amazing' and 'Kickabout'. You don't have to wait until next Easter, though - start thinking of some ideas, get classmates, friends and family in on it, too (all while observing the social distancing rules, of course!). We want to hear your voice.
If you want more information about Climate Action, check out this presentation from Leeds DEC, which might give you some ideas about the theme of your film for the competition, as well as ways in which you can get involved and make a difference.